Our Mission
To create a community where adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities are empowered to live full, productive, and satisfying lives in a God-centered environment.
Core Values
Dignity: We recognize each person has inherent worth, value, and divine purpose. Therefore, we will champion and preserve one another’s dignity throughout life.
Grace: We embrace ourselves and others for who we have been, who we are and who we will become by replacing judgement and condemnation with love and mercy.
Respect: We show respect by honoring and appreciating others. Our respect for one another necessitates that we foster greater accessibility for neurodiversity and disabilities.
Integrity: We strive to be honest and consistent in what we think, say and do.
Service: Adults with I/DD possess an incredible capacity to enrich the broader community. We are fostering a community where mutual transformation happens as we all serve one another and give of ourselves.
Good Stewardship: We are responsible and strategic with the resources we have been given and use them wisely.
Our Story
Wellspring Community began in January 2008 with four young women with developmental disabilities learning how to bake cookies in a private kitchen. Through careful observation and task analysis modifications were made with equipment and processes to enable these women to be successful. Soon their cookies were selling at local churches and Wellspring’s first business enterprise, Wellspring Bakery.