February 2024

How Wellspring Stars Love Our Neighbors

Heart to Hand Class

February serves as a reminder of love and makes us more aware of deeper things in life, faith, love, and hope for a better world. It also allows us to examine some of our assumptions and open ourselves up to the possibility of receiving love from unexpected places. People with I/DD are full of individuality, potential, and have so much to offer our communities. Stars at Wellspring demonstrate what can happen when everyone has a hand in fostering a community built on mutual care and understanding. Wellspring’s Heart to Hand class shows us the power of community two mornings a week through regular visits to local assisted living and senior centers.  

 Members of this class volunteer their time with the sole purpose of bringing joy to others. Whether it is playing a board game, striking up a conversation, or providing hand massages to the residents – this class is making a real impact in the lives of the residents at Valley House. One remarkable example is Larry, a resident who enjoys spending time with the class and has made a new friend in Colton.  

Since the beginning of the trimester, Larry and Colton have become friends and have bonded over their shared sense of adventure. The two have talked about their travels and other things they have in common- usually over a game of UNO or Animal Alphabet. Colton really enjoyed learning about Larry’s travels to Mount Rushmore and touring the site on a cable car. When Colton talks about Larry he says, “Larry is my good friend… I like that he is adventurous like me.” 

This partnership is a unique opportunity for connection and creating new friendships and understanding. Catherine, Program Teacher, notes that Wellspring Stars have made strides in their confidence engaging with community members and initiating conversations with others. Colton says that his favorite thing about visiting the senior center is, “making all of these people happy.”  

Connections like these demonstrate how Wellspring and the community at large are enriched when people with I/DD are active, valued, empowered members of it. Together, we are building a community where every individual is an integral part of the story.  

LuAnn & June

Volunteer Feature

Volunteers are such an important part of Wellspring, and today we want to highlight two bakery volunteers, June and LuAnn. 

LuAnn & June are a dynamic duo with matching aprons.They both volunteer their time once a week in the Wellspring & Co. Bakery and agree that sharing jokes with Stars in the bakery is a highlight of their week and makes a positive impact on their lives. They also laugh about how their work stations are so different; LuAnn’s as generally clean and June’s a little messier.

  • Time with Wellspring: 7 years
  • Signature Dish: Scones
  • Was introduced to Wellspring through a friend and initially started at the Café in the Emporium
  • Time with Wellspring: 6.5 years
  • Signature Dish: Muffins
  • Introduced to Wellspring by Mary Lou at the Post Office

June and LuAnn knew each other before starting at Wellspring, but their time here has made their friendship even closer. They also volunteer at their church, St Francis of Assisi and at the food bank.  

 Thank you, June & LuAnn!  

Donor & Communication Survey

 The Donor & Communication survey is live!   

We’d love to know more about your experience with Wellspring and areas where we can improve. Please be on the lookout for an email from Peter Barber in your email inbox and spend 10-12 minutes to complete the survey. We’ll be drawing 5 names to win a $25 Amazon gift card.  

Upcoming Events & Important Dates

Welcome to Wellspring Community Tour

Experience Wellspring! Learn more about the heart of our mission and connect with our community.

Upcoming Tour Dates: 

  • February 22
  • March 14
  • March 28

Club 21

Club 21 is a once-a-month social event hosted by Wellspring Community and designed to give adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities a place to socialize, relax and have a great time. Club 21 also gives parents and caregivers a night off! Participants must pre-register and pay. 

Mark Your Calendar for  St. Patrick’s Day Game Night on March 15th.

Graphic Created By Damon

President's Day

Wellspring’s offices and In-Person Programming and the Castle Rock Collective will be closed on February 19th.  Wellspring Online will be offering two classes available to to any enrolled Stars. Please reach out to Leslie for more information.

  • 10:00AM – Community Connections
  • 11:00AM – President’s Day Party
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