Immeasurably More Than All We Ask or Imagine…

Like many of us, personally, our Wellspring staff and board of directors has had to navigate constant changes, difficult decisions, and unprecedented financial challenges during these extraordinary times. Amid so much confusion, it can be tempting to get swept up in the fear and anxiety that swirls around us.  Yet Scripture reminds us of God’s faithful provision for those men and women throughout the centuries who determined to trust in Him alone.  We, too, are determined to trust in Him alone.  And we are encouraged to share with you God’s incredible faithfulness to Wellspring!

On June 24, one of our long-standing donors, the Love in Action Foundation, in response to our need for support, offered us a $100,000 challenge grant.  The challenge was that if we could raise $100,000 by July 31, they would match every donation dollar for dollar.  This was a tough challenge but buoyed by their confidence and recognizing only God could make this happen, we stepped out in faith and set out to steward this opportunity to the best of our ability.  By July 31 we hadn’t raised $100,000; we raised over $148,000!!!  And the Love in Action Foundation matched every donation dollar for dollar.  There are no words to adequately express our gratitude to everyone who participated. Our hearts are full, and our faith is strengthened.

We are still living in uncertain times. We still need to raise additional funds before the end of the year. But we are even more confident that if we continue to fulfill our mission to empower our STARS, our Heavenly Father will continue to meet our needs. Our heartfelt thanks to each one of you who are His hands and feet to us.

“He determines the number of STARS and calls them each by name.” ~ Psalm 147:4

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