One of the incredible classes at Wellspring is our STEAM class taught by Pamela. STEAM is a science class that uses hands on activities to connect science concepts with technology, engineering, art and math concepts. The class aims to generate excitement and interest in exploring and interacting with the world around us. For example, when it snowed STARS learned about Snowflake Bentley’s first photographs of snow (ART and TECHNOLOGY), made our own indoor “snow” with polymers (SCIENCE), used nontoxic snow paint to create pictures outside in the real snow (ART) and made our own measuring sticks to measure the snow depth (MATH). Another day we learned about Food Science and chemical reactions that occur when we combine certain foods. After previously introducing the concepts of solids, liquids and gases, STARS were able to see firsthand how vinegar (a liquid) and baking soda (a solid) when combined together create a gas that was able to blow up a balloon! STARS have also explored magnetism by going on a scavenger hunt using magnetic wands, first making predictions and then testing out their guesses. In STEAM class, STARS practice independence, abstract thinking, problem solving, step by step direction following, listening skills, fine motor skills, and question asking. STEAM class aims to strengthen these skills while fostering wonder and understanding about our amazing world.