Turning the Page... A New Chapter Begins
A Letter From The Executive Director
Dear Wellspring Community,
Happy New Year! This month kicks off a year-long celebration of Wellspring’s 15th Anniversary as an organization. In 2008 Wellspring was officially born out of the prayers and hopes (and lots of sweat and tears) of a mom who wanted something better for her adult daughter with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Like any good story, the last 15 years have been full of many twists and turns, highs and lows. So many wonderful people have been characters in this story—and their individual stories will inspire and move you. As we celebrate over the next 12 months, we will share some of their stories with you as we look back and remember where we have come from. Because it’s only when we look back and remember well that we can move forward on solid footing.
This year promises to be a turning point for Wellspring—the start of a new chapter, if you will. The challenges of the last several years have reminded us in new ways that God is with us and God is for us. And there are so many great things in store for Wellspring and the STARS… But that is information for future newsletters. So be on the look out for more to come very soon.
For now, we want to stop and take time to say thank you. You play such a big and important part of this story. While many nonprofits have struggled through the last several years, Wellspring has thrived because of people like you who give of your resources, your time, and your prayers. We are so grateful for each of you and what you have given to Wellspring. Whether you are a STAR, staff member, volunteer, or community partner—I am humbled when I look around our community and see the beauty of each and every one of you who contributes to make this such a magical place. What you have created (and are still creating!) here is unique and sacred and I am so grateful to be a part of it.
The story God began writing 15 years ago is far from over. So here’s to the next 15. I invite you to join us for a year of remembering and celebrating what has come, while at the same time unveiling with eager expectation the next chapter in this incredible story.
Much love,
Soaring to New Heights
Before leaving for Christmas Break a group of brave participants went indoor skydiving at iFly Indoor Sky Diving as a part of their all-abilities programming. To see the the full article on Denver 7, click here!
STAR Story
Dianna is an avid knitter and first learned this skill during program at Wellspring. In her free time at home she enjoys making cases for some of her most valuable possessions including a bright pink case for her air pods. In addition to creating things for around the house and gifts for her friends- Dianna is using this skill to give back. She has knitted about 20 hats that she plans to donate and hopes to partner with the Kindness and Community class next trimester to find a new home for her work. Dianna is very proud and so are we!

Wellspring Housing Update
The Wellspring Housing Board met earlier this month to start laying the groundwork on the design of the apartments! Members of the board discussed how to ensure spaces are accessible and innovative, aesthetics are sensory friendly, and made necessary decisions to start the renovation process.
Important Dates
The Winter Trimester at Wellspring starts February 6th and participants are getting excited for new opportunities! To prepare for the new trimester, Wellspring programming will be closed February 2nd and 3rd The Castle Rock Collective will be open!