Why You Should Support
We believe every adult, regardless of ability, deserves the chance to live an empowered life. Too often, adults with special needs are sidelined instead of supported. Wellspring exists to change that. We call our participants STARS, because they are the stars of this story. Through Wellspring’s programs, STARS have the opportunity to:
form life-long friendships.
bake and sell pastries through a commercial bakery.
fashion and sell works of art such as ceramics or woodworkings.
learn to communicate more effectively through American Sign Language (ASL).
explore the arts through photography, dance, improv, art therapy, and more.
engage in fitness classes.
participate in life-giving community.
Only you can make our work of empowering adults with special needs possible. By supporting Wellspring’s mission, you are empowering these incredible adults to impact the world for good.
How It Works
The Love in Action Foundation has been a loyal Wellspring supporter for the last 8 years. This charitable foundation was formed in 1995 and is now worth over $30 million dollars.
Because of Love in Action’s confidence in our leadership and support for our mission, they have challenged us to raise $100,000 by July 31st and will match every dollar we raise up to that amount.
Match. Every. Dollar.
YOU can be a part of this exciting investment in Wellspring’s mission. Between now and July 31st, every dollar you give will be doubled through this matching grant. Come be a part of a community that is saying “Yes, it’s possible!”—a community that is empowering adults with special needs. Click here to make your donation count.
Wellspring Facts
The Wellspring mission is to provide a work, enrichment and educational community where adults with special needs are empowered to live full, productive and satisfying lives in a God-centered and nurturing environment.
We refer to the adults we serve as STARS – because they are the stars of this story. Wellspring was founded 13 years ago by Mary Lou Fenton as a solution to the need for meaningful opportunities for her own daughter with disabilities when she finished high school. Mary Lou started Wellspring in her kitchen, teaching her daughter and 3 friends how to bake cookies. Today, Wellspring serves 90 STARS from 5 counties and supports over 180 parents and caregivers.
- We offer 45 different enrichment classes each trimester, in the areas of Learning & Enrichment, Life & Leadership, Health & Fitness, Performances & Arts, and Social Responsibility.
- We offer our enrichment classes both in-person and virtually.
- Over 85% of Wellspring’s STARS rely on Medicaid waiver funding to pay their tuition.
- Tuition, including Medicaid waiver funding, accounts for 40% of our annual budget. We raise the remaining 60% through fundraising.
- This year, we are poised to launch Wellspring & Co., our Business Enterprises initiative aimed at job skills training and employment opportunities for our STARS
YOUR generosity can empower a life!
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~ Winston Churchill