Our Garden Is Growing!

Wellspring exists because of the open-hearted support of our donors and volunteers. This month, we want to give a very special shout out and huge THANK YOU to The Rotary Club of Castle Rock. The Rotary has been one of our longstanding partners. This past year, The Rotary awarded us a district grant that funded Phase 1 of our garden program.

In addition to their generous monetary gift, they also invested significant sweat-equity to bring the project to fruition. On May 8th Rotarians descended upon Wellspring’s property located at 498 S Wolfensberger Road and got to work! They cleared debris, mended fences, built 8 brand new garden beds, and assembled and installed a gorgeous gazebo. Two other groups of volunteers joined in to build the picnic tables and fill the garden beds. It has been an amazing effort!

We are humbled and extremely grateful for The Rotary’s investment in Wellspring. This Phase 1 of our garden program will enable us to hold our gardening classes on our property and will enable our STARS to maintain and tend to their own garden beds. The shaded gazebo provides respite from the sun and an ideal spot for lunch or water breaks. Please join us in saying THANK YOU to The Rotary! A great way to show your support and gratitude is to join them for their annual Ducky Derby this Sunday in Festival Park!

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