Our Walk to Empower is on Saturday, May 30, 2020 from 9am-11am. We are currently looking for sponsors. Although our walk is scheduled to be in person at Philip S. Miller Park, we realize we are in a time of uncertainty and we do not know whether we will be able to gather together. We are moving forward with our walk and have planned a virtual walk regardless of the circumstances. This will allow our walkers to participate in the safety of their homes and neighborhoods if we can’t gather on May 30th. We will have daily challenges and live videos encouraging our walkers throughout the week leading up to the walk.
We also understand that during this time of uncertainty businesses may be going through a difficult time as well. In a good faith effort, if your business chooses to sponsor now and makes a commitment, we will not require payment until June. We want to show you our support by providing additional sponsorship benefits that will highlight your business to our Wellspring Community now while you might need the promotion for your business. Please see below for some of the ways we will highlight our sponsors:
- Logo on newsletter (we have over 2000 subscribers)
- Logo on social media page (we have 1484 followers on Facebook and our engagement has more than doubled in the last month)
- Promote any specials you may have on social media
- Logo on our Walk to Empower Event Page https://wearewellspring.org/walk-to-empower/
- Article about your company with logo and photo in newsletter
- Sponsor highlight in one of the daily challenges leading up to the event.
- For a full list of benefits checkout our Walk to Empower Sponsorship Packet 2020