A Note from Our Executive Director About the Health and Safety of Wellspring Community
To Our Community:
As news around COVID-19 (Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV) unfolds, I wanted to share an update around Wellspring Community’s relevant planning. Our top priority is the health and wellbeing of our STARS, our staff and our entire Wellspring Community. We are well aware that many members of our community have varying degrees of medical fragility and some fall into the older age groups being more heavily impacted by this public health crisis. Likewise, we take exceptionally seriously our responsibility to not participate in any preventable spread of this dangerous virus.
We will continue to monitor developments on a daily basis. We will follow the advice of and directions from Federal, State and local public health, crisis management and other professionals with relevant expertise. One of the key pieces of advice from such experts is to prepare for the worst and hope/pray for the best.
The accompanying infographic provides useful guidance surrounding the practical steps we can all take to keep ourselves safe and healthy and to help prevent the spread of this dangerous virus. While these steps are not intuitive to most of us, none are all that burdensome, especially given the seriously high stakes. Our staff are following these precautions for themselves and their classrooms (whether at Castle Oaks or out in the community) and also encouraging our volunteers and STARS to follow them as well. If we all take this seriously, we can absolutely make a difference for the common welfare and benefit of each and every one of us.
We also ask anyone (staff, STARS, family members, volunteers, visitors) in our community to stay home and to stay away from Wellspring if:
- You have any of the following symptoms — any sustained fever above 99.9, (2) dry cough, and/or (3) shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- You have traveled on any cruise ship or to any destination designated by the CDC as Alert Level 2 or 3 (e.g., China, Korea, Italy, Japan)
- You have had close physical contact with anyone diagnosed with or suspected of being infected by COVID-19
- Anybody with whom you share a home (or other close physical contact) falls into any of the foregoing categories
Lastly, please join us in praying that more draconian steps (like closing Wellspring) do not become necessary and for the health and wellbeing of our entire Wellspring Community.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.