Wellspring Closure Update

A Note From Our Executive Director:

Dear Wellspring Champions:

We pray that this note finds all of you healthy, if not well.  If there is anything that we can do to help, please let us know.  If we ourselves cannot help, we have had many offers from community partners and the County has just asked us to join a task force to assist high need families through this unsettling time, so please do not hesitate to reach out for help if you need it.  That is, after all, what community means.

Uncertain times like these make us grateful for the abundant blessings we do have – right up at the top of the list for all of us, is all of you.  We have been so blessed by our Zoom lunches with STARS, Facebook community creation, staff busy creating new virtual programming, and countless notes of hope and thanks and craving Wellspring interactions from so many of you.  We promise to keep it up on our end (in fact, accelerating from here) and we hope you’ll do the same.  You help fuel us each and every day.  Thank you!!

Two weeks ago, we closed for two weeks, not aware of what to expect.  Obviously, much has transpired over those two weeks, including new local and statewide stay at home orders.  Obviously, we will not be re-opening on Monday, or anytime in the foreseeable future.  We will re-open only when it is safe to do so for all of you who comprise Wellspring Community.  We will keep you updated as we have a better sense when that may be.

That said, the continued closure of our physical building will absolutely not stand in our way of our living out our Mission.  After all, WE ARE WELLSPRING!!   We have already created virtual community for many of you via social media and daily Zoom lunches.  We will only expand that effort from here.  Our program team is hard at work creating programming to be delivered virtually, beginning April 6, with select pilots and trials before then.  STARS have already received a Survey to help us assess how to best serve you during this GUMBY time.  We’re all going to be flexible; we’re all in this together.

Thankfully, the State has made it possible for us to receive a meaningful portion of our usual revenue stream during this closure so that we can retain our gold standard staff that allows us to deliver our gold standard programming.  Obviously, in unsettled times like these, it will prove exceptionally challenging for us to receive all of the funding upon which we so critically rely from governmental agencies and fundraising sources and from all of you.  We simply ask that all of you pray for Wellspring and pray to God to ask what you can do to bless Wellspring back to whatever degree you feel blessed by Wellspring, only so that we can continue to bless our STARS and our entire community for a long time to come.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Optimistically and gratefully, Bob

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